Wednesday 19 June 2013

Still putting one foot in front of the other....

Hello folks! I'm still here, plodding along. Well, plodding quite fast compared to a month ago. The walking is progressing, I've managed to shave off 2 minutes my walk to work in the mornings so I must be getting a bit faster!

But, please remember that I need your help for this Race for Life event, so please go here to sponsor me now:

It's safe and totally secure - the money will go STRAIGHT to Cancer Research UK without any faffing around. You can also Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK taxpayer, which means that the charity will be able to reclaim basic tax rates on your donation. Even just a couple of pounds will help along the way, and you don't have to do it online either. Come and talk to me and we'll get it sorted.

I know lots of people that spend £2+ a week on the National Lottery. Well, statistics say you're more likely to get run over by a bus than you are to win the Lottery. So next time, think about your chances of winning (which are slim!), and consider putting the money towards sponsoring me and helping to kick cancer's butt.

With this in mind, you might remember that if I reached my target of £200 before the end of June, I said I'd run the event. Well, even though I haven't got to that amount yet, I recently got a very good motivator to do the best I can for this 5K. So, I decided that I would run the event, even if I haven't got to the £200 target.

So, at a loss for how to start and a vague, hazy memory of a starter podcast, I downloaded the NHS Couch to 5K program on iTunes. It's free to download, and gently guides you through achievable goals for nine weeks to get you from couch potato to runner! Today marked my FIRST proper run of my own free will since I was at school; and I did actually enjoy it to a point. Not so much halfway through when I wanted to give up, but I did not give in. The feeling of total satisfaction and happiness when I finally made it back through my front door was so worth it. I'm actually looking forward to the next session on Friday.....OOFT.......runner alert! It helps that the park near to my flat is fairly quiet and green so it makes me feel much better than plodding along the main road. I'm all kitted out with trainers and music player so I haven't got any excuses - no more wasting time and fannying around!

So, just to encourage you lot who say 'Oh, I'll just do it later', cancer doesn't wait until later. It happens, and BAM it's found and it's there. Someone out there right now is battling it. It might be your best friend. It might be your neighbour. It is certainly bound to be someone you don't know. So please sponsor me now. Once it's done, it's done and you can rest easy knowing your hard-earned money will be going to a place where it is put to good use.

The choice is yours, fritter away £2 on the National Lottery, or donate it to Cancer Research UK. I know which one I'd choose.....

Saturday 4 May 2013

Registration received and completed.......

I received my Race for Life pack in the post yesterday, including my Race for Life T-shirt!

As you can see above, included in the pack, amongst other things, was my running number, sponsor form and pink T-shirt for the event.

This means that I need to keep walking, and you all need to get sponsoring me! You can either sponsor me online at:

or you can sponsor me directly with no internet involvement; if you're going to see me on a daily basis please accost me with details and money! If you want to sponsor me, but don't want to do it online and don't see me regularly, get in touch and we will make alternative arrangements for you to do so.

My fund-raising target is £200. Do you think this is a lot of money to raise for such a good cause? I don't; I actually don't think it's enough.

During my adult life, I've felt the sadness and terror at potentially losing someone you love to cancer. But, the work that Cancer Research UK does meant that my loved ones received the life-saving treatment they needed to still be around today. I'm forever indebted to them, but thousands of other people aren't as lucky as I am.

That's why I'm doing the Race for Life -  I want to be able to help those affected get the life-saving treatment and support they need throughout their battles with cancer, and you can help me to do that. Donate now - a few clicks of the mouse and a teeny bit of typing and your hard work is done. If just 20 of you can pledge £10 each then I will have reached my target.

I'm lucky enough to have achieved 15% of my target already through the Just Giving link below. Will you be the next person to donate and bring me that little bit closer to my target.........?

(Remember that if I reach my target of £200 by the end of June, I will be RUNNING the Race for Life - and I normally don't do running; so dig deep and get donating now. Otherwise I'll keep spamming your Facebook news feeds to try and reach my target. No-one wants a Facebook feed full of spam. So click on the link above and do your bit.)

To borrow the phrase from Tesco (this year's Race for Life partner); Every Little Helps!

Friday 26 April 2013

Why the phrase 'Race for Life' has a duplicate meaning....

The literal "Race for Life" event; thousands of women take part in these events across the UK every year to raise money to help eliminate all kinds of cancer. These specific events are organised by Cancer Research UK and are women-only races where you can run, jog, walk or even dance your way across the finish line. As long as you are taking part and raising money for the charity, you can even walk it on your hands if you are so inclined.

Many women do it in groups or pairs, and don fancy dress for the occasion - most ladies bring out their inner child and wear glittery fairy wings or pink tutus to make the occasion a social, fun event. Girls are permitted to enter with a responsible adult, and boys under the age of 12 are allowed to enter this year as well! You can find out more here:

Maybe you'll find it so inspiring, you'll want to take part in the event in your local area. Then again, maybe you'll just prefer to sponsor me ( and escape the hard work! Either way, you should check it out.

My personal Race for Life; to be healthy, happy and content with myself. This has been triggered by the fact I have recently come to realise that my weight and body shape are not conducive to good health, especially as I grow older. Okay, 25 is not old in general terms, I realise that. But this means I am young enough to change the bad habits I got into as a teenager and have retained up until now, and I am old enough to realise that it isn't going to be an easy journey.

I've known for quite some time that my body weight and shape is not correct for a girl of my age, but haven't quite had the wherewithal to deal with it. I always thought; I'm broad anyway, it's a family thing to not be a skinny girl, I'm fine as I am; why change now? When actually, it's not fine. Yes, I might have fairly broad hips but I've got small hands and even smaller feet, so really I should be a much smaller and lighter body shape. So I decided to get up and do something about it.

I spent a couple of weeks looking for something that would require me to really work towards getting fit; but I was coming up blank. Not even my friend's wedding in October 2013 was inspiring enough to make me want to lose some weight so I could buy a new dress for the occasion. However, seeing two of my colleagues sign up for the Kilt Walk (Scottish Childrens Charity event) inspired me to sign up for the Race For Life and change my own in the process. Here's my story so far.....

Last week,  I was getting the bus two thirds of the way to work, arriving in a still-dazed state of semi consciousness and needing that first cup of coffee to feel any kind of alive and awake. I was always tired and my sleep was full of intense, vivid dreams which meant I was waking up tired in the mornings. Cue the vicious circle of bus fares, sugary coffee, lack of concentration and brain tiredness.

This week, I've boycotted the bus in favour of walking to and from work, clocking up a total of 3 miles a day. It's a drag getting out of bed 10 minutes earlier, but I feel much more awake when I get to work. I'm managing to get in an extra cup of tea a day by taking one with me on my morning walk and I've cut out the coffee almost completely. My sleep is still full of vivid dreams but they're much less intense and I'm not waking up tired. I even had a slight spring in my step as I climbed out of bed this morning!

GOOD BYE old vicious circle of riding the bus, coffee and tiredness!
HELLO new happy circle of walking, more cups of tea and being awake!

The difference I feel in myself in just 5 days has been phenomenal. I've no idea if I've lost weight or not, because I'm not tracking weight loss in pounds and ounces; I'm tracking it in how my clothes feel and look. I don't like the numbers or the maths associated with calorie counting and losing weight; for me it's almost counter productive as it becomes an intense focus for a short period of time and then I fall by the wayside again. This way feels much more productive for my artistic mindset and I'm inclined to stick to something that is natural to me. This is my way of changing the habits of a lifetime, and making it count not only for myself, but for other people. I thought if I was going to embark on something life-changing for me personally, why not raise some money for a cause that is close to my heart? 

So if you, like me, want to help change lives by kicking cancer's bahootie, sponsor me at
or talk to me on Facebook/email/text me about sponsoring me off-line.

Keep a weather eye out for next weeks blog post, and to quote Tweety Pie - "That's all, folks!"

Monday 22 April 2013

Why I'm doing the Race for Life....

I'm doing the Twilight Race for Life Event in Edinburgh on 26th October 2013. I'm doing it because too many people are affected by cancer and we need to kick the bottom out of cancer's hold on the human race.

Cancer affects so many people in our society - but it's not spoken about or discussed out loud because it's too upsetting. Raising money for Cancer Research UK will make talking about it obsolete - not because people don't like discussing it - but because it will be a thing of the past.

My aim is to reach £200, but if I raise more than this before the end of June 2013 then I will work towards RUNNING the whole 5k. Those of you who know me, will know that I don't do walking, let alone running, and especially for 3.1 miles! But, in aid of this fabulous charity and the work they do - I am willing to work very hard and raise as much money as possible. So - whatever you can donate, please donate it through and the money will go straight to Cancer Research UK.

Don't wait until cancer has a hold over someone you love; please donate now and help us make it obsolete.